Public Reaction to PADU Registration: Insights and Concerns from Online Discussions

The resurgence of online discussions surrounding PADU (Pangkalan Data Utama) gained momentum following a demand issued by Economic Minister Rafizi Ramli.


  • The conversations on PADU garnered around 7K mentions with 67K social interactions that potentially reached 6.6M users for the past 7 days.
  • As Rafizi Ramli emphasized the importance of registering for PADU online through the official portal for those who missed the initial registration round, prompting reactions from netizens. However, many users perceived Rafizi Ramli’s communication as threatening and condescending, expressing dissatisfaction with his approach as a minister. They believed that his tone failed to effectively encourage people to sign up for PADU.
  • In addition to criticisms of Rafizi Ramli’s communication style, netizens also voiced concerns about the usability and accessibility of the PADU system. Many found the registration process cumbersome and not user-friendly, particularly for older generations and the B40 group who may lack internet access. Some argued that the government should leverage existing databases such as LHDN (Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri) and BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia) to streamline the registration process and avoid unnecessary inconvenience for the public.
  • Furthermore, discussions on PADU extended to concerns about data security and privacy. Many users expressed apprehension about the vulnerability of government databases to cyber threats and potential data breaches. There were fears that personal information collected through PADU could be sold or misused, highlighting the need for robust data protection measures and transparency from the government regarding data handling practices.
  • The lack of clarity surrounding data verification processes and how discrepancies will be resolved also emerged as a point of contention among netizens. Some questioned the effectiveness of PADU in achieving its intended objectives, expressing skepticism about whether it would deliver tangible benefits or become another bureaucratic government project that fails to address the needs of the people.
  • Overall, the online discourse on PADU reflects a mixture of skepticism, frustration, and concerns about various aspects of the registration system, including communication strategies, usability, data security, and the project’s efficacy in achieving its goals. Addressing these concerns and improving transparency and accountability in the implementation of PADU will be crucial for building public trust and ensuring the success of the initiative.

Top online conversations on PADU registration