Police-Student Killing Raises Questions About Public Trust in PDRM

In a tragic incident last week, a student lost his life in a road accident involving a police officer. The incident has sparked widespread condemnation as it was revealed that the police officer, allegedly hot-tempered, intentionally collided with the student’s motorcycle triggered by the loud exhaust. The public, outraged by this irresponsible act, is now calling for severe punishment for the police officer.


  • The conversations on the Police-Student Killing garnered around 81.9K mentions with 594K social interactions that potentially reached 36.6M users.
  • Following the incident, there has been a notable erosion of trust in the PDRM. Many individuals have voiced their skepticism, expressing an inability to trust the police any longer. Numerous individuals have taken to social media to share negative encounters with law enforcement, labeling them as untrustworthy and filled with a group of seemingly ineffective individuals.
  • Public anger has also been directed towards the broader issue of safety, questioning how citizens can feel secure when those tasked with enforcing the law are themselves engaged in criminal activities. To restore faith in the PDRM’s image, the public is demanding a fair trial and advocating for the police officer to face a substantial sentence. Some have even gone so far as to express the hope that he will be given the death penalty for intentionally taking the student’s life.
  • While a small fraction of online users initially suggested blaming the student for the incident due to the loud exhaust, this viewpoint faced backlash. Many argued that such a minor offense should not justify taking someone’s life. Advocates for a more professional and humane approach from the police have called for better guidance and communication instead of resorting to fatal actions.
  • Amidst the condemnation, condolences have poured in for the victim’s family, accompanied by a collective hope for a fair legal proceeding. Suggestions have also been made for authorities to enact laws addressing the issue of loud exhausts to prevent similar incidents in the future. Despite the tarnished image of the PDRM, some individuals are standing by the authorities, asserting that not everyone within the organization shares the blame for one individual’s misconduct. It is a reminder not to hastily judge an entire institution based on the actions of a single individual. The incident has triggered a broader conversation about the need for accountability, transparency, and reform within law enforcement to rebuild public trust.

Top online conversations on Police-Student Killing